Appleby Grammar School
CA16 6XU

017683 51580

Appleby Grammar School

A modern school, with traditional values

Our Governors

Our Chair of Governors is Jane Taylor. She is supported in this role by the Vice-Chair of Governors, David Watkinson, and the rest of the Governing Body, including the chairs of the two permanent committees of governors that consider detailed matters within their remit and report to the full Governing Body. They are:

  • Alan McViety, Chair of Finance and Buildings Committee
  • David Watkinson, Chair of the Standards Committee

The terms of reference for each of these committees are shown in the school’s Scheme of Delegation which can be found in the ‘Key Documents’ section.

Our full list of governors can be found below:

Governing Body (Board of Trustees) 

Full name

Date of first appointment

Term of office expires

Date of standing down

Appointed by:

Business and pecuniary interests
(with start date)

Dorothy Anderton

18 March 2017

18 March 2025



Appleby Town Council (01/07/2008)
AGS Foundation Governor (31/10/2011)

Jenny Bell

28 September 2023

28 September 2027




Alastair Birtles

3 December 2020

3 December 2024




Joanna Burgess

1 February 2023

1 February 2027




Michelle Clark

28 September 2023

28 September 2027



Asby Endowed School (01/09/2017)

Dee Cullen

25 March 2021

25 March 2025




Su Davis

15 December 2021

15 December 2025




Terry Hobson

15 December 2021

15 December 2025




Alan McViety

3 December 2020

3 December 2024



Appleby Rotary Trust (23/06/2019)
Bolton Memorial Hall (04/03/2019)
Voluntary Action Cumbria (13/09/2002)
ATC Civilian Committee (01/09/2023)

Kristian Moore

15 April 2024



N/A (Headteacher)

 Eden Wedding Boutique

William Patterson

1 February 2023

1 February 2027



W & W Patterson (01/09/1975)

Elaine Sargent

1 September 2020

 14 April 2024


N/A (Headteacher)


(Helen) Jane Taylor

1 August 2011

31 July 2024



AGS Foundation Governor (01/09/1986)
NB Taylor & Son (31/07/1975)

David Watkinson

1 August 2011

31 July 2024



AGS Foundation Governor (02/02/2011)

Gideon Wright

4 November 2013

4 November 2025




 All governor appointments are for a four-year term. 


Further information on our governors:  Governor Pen Portraits