Appleby Grammar School
CA16 6XU

017683 51580

Appleby Grammar School

A modern school, with traditional values

Appleby Grammar School Friends

AGSF are a small friendly committee made up of parents/carers, staff and friends of the school.  Our aim is to support the school by raising funds through various events and activities.  We have fun doing this too!

We are always looking for helpers and new members so, if you:

  • can spare an hour or two over the year and help at an occasional event, or
  • are interested in joining the committee, please get in touch.

We don’t expect a huge commitment from you.  We appreciate how busy life is!  We can add your name to our list of helpers or you can join the committee.  Whatever your choice, you will receive a warm welcome from the team!

Our Officers and Committee Members for 2024/2025 are as follows:

Chair: Mr K Moore

Vice-Chair: Mr M Harling

Secretary: Mrs P Bancroft

Treasurers (Joint): Mrs P Bancroft and Mrs E Ingham

Committee Members: Mrs K Adams, Mrs N Elliott, Dr H Gould, Mrs B Kay, Mrs K Teasdale

Thank you - AGSF

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