Appleby Grammar School
CA16 6XU

017683 51580

Appleby Grammar School

A modern school, with traditional values


Appleby Grammar School is committed to providing an environment in which all students are given the opportunity to achieve their potential in academic and personal development. There is a clear link between high attendance, high attainment and social well-being. The whole school community shares responsibility for promoting high levels of attendance.
As a school, we have set our attendance target at 96% and expect all our students to attend for 96% or more of the time. We hold attendance assemblies to celebrate and reward good and improved attendance.
Attendance data is being monitored and analysed weekly in order to address any emerging attendance problems. Obviously, we appreciate that there are genuine reasons why children may be unable to attend school and ask that parents inform us immediately. The Senior Leadership Team will be able to offer support and advice if there are problems at home or at school which are impacting on attendance.
We ask that parents contact the school on the first morning of any absence and each subsequent day. Parents need to inform the school if there are any reasons which could impact on their child’s attendance. We ask that parents work in partnership with the school to improve attendance. The taking of family holidays during school time will only be granted in exceptional circumstances and only with the prior consent of the Headteacher.
In accordance with its legal responsibility, Appleby Grammar School will try to assess the reasons for non-attendance and implement support when attendance falls or is unexplained. We will work with parents/carers and students to assess the level of need in order to provide appropriate support to improve attendance. The school will work effectively and in partnership with appropriate outside agencies to address the needs of individual students.