Appleby Grammar School
CA16 6XU

017683 51580

Appleby Grammar School

A modern school, with traditional values

Literacy & Spelling

Language is the medium through which students learn and express themselves and good literacy skills are a vital component of personal and intellectual development. All students benefit from the development of high-level skills in literacy; such development is essential if students are to achieve their potential in any given subject. It is vital that students are equipped with the skills and knowledge they need for life beyond school and teachers at AGS encourage students to read, write, speak and listen with increasing effectiveness in order to achieve their potential.

Please find below links to the Literacy Policy and Marking Policy together with other useful information

 Grammar and Punctuation Jargon Buster.pdfDownload
 Marking Policy.pdfDownload
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Subject Specific Spelling

It is important that all students can spell words that link directly to a specific subject. Please click on the link below to discover a list of words that link to the subjects studied at Appleby Grammar School.

A technique to help you learn your spellings:

Word - look carefully at the word for at least 10 seconds.
Copy - write the word out again.
Cover - cover the word up and write it our again from memory.
Check - Check your word against the original. Did you get it right?

Use the blank spelling grid below to help you.

 Blank Spelling Grid.pdfDownload
 Handy Tips to Help You Spell.pdfDownload
 Subject Specific Spellings.pdfDownload
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